
Great News! These two precious souls have been saved!


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Mother and Eleven Puppies Rescued!

St. Rocco Foundation has rescued, during last week of August, a mother and her 11 newborns from the kill list of the high kill facility of Big Spring, Texas. Please help us with your donations. Thank you.

Welcome Clarence and Jim!

We are pleased to welcome Jim and Clarence the Frenchie to the St. Rocco community!

Jim and Clarence will add a respite to the heavy topics which this site contains.

We are so grateful that they are willing to join us in our efforts, and show us thru little Clarence and
his rescued, Northern CA brother, senior boxer, T.J.; and sister, senior boxer, Molly (and sadly the late Cash)-
the good, the funny, the witty, the sweet, the free and the rescued.

Clarence had some health issues and is feeling better now!

You can follow Clarence on Instagram and here on St. Rocco Foundation.

Molly and TJ enjoying the sunshine. Just think… these two lovely souls were left at kill shelters, just “thrown away.”